Tokens engines ignited on December 1, 2018, for liftoff, burning DTR (starting with DTRV) propellant. It is nicely build, designed for reliable and safe transport of crypto assets and to deploy user voted crypto satellites into orbit. It is expected to break out of Earth’s gravity and air resistance, appear on the Coinmarketcap radar, heading to the Moon and beyond.
Image credit: ESA – J. Huart, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Image: Coinmarketcap DTR 130519
Coinmarketcap radar tracks Tokens taking off, getting into orbit and returning to Earth. It will hopefully detect deployed satellites in the future. On May 27, 2019 extraordinary event took place, burning 1,125 billion DTR for liftoff in comparison with less than 9 million DTR burned on previous missions.
Image: Coinmarketcap BTC 130519
Certain crypto weather conditions must be met prior launch. Wind and clouds (lightning) are the primary concerns and may cause delays. In April 2019 the 50 day moving average crossed over the 200 day wind direction (from winter to spring), with a growing lightning network infrastructure (Bitcoin halving in May 2020).
Video credit: ESA/NASA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Get on/off board safely before/after it breaks-out/enters-into the atmosphere. Patience is required, don’t get burned.
* Fictional article. Read this only if you are interested in crypto space and are familiar with crypto phrases.
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